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Parts List

This project is modular, so choose the sections you need.

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General Parts Info

WiFiCom base

  • Pi Pico W with headers
  • Breadboard: 830 tie points for a full build
  • Breadboard jumper wires
    • A kit including some short wires is recommended
    • Or, very short connections can be made using legs cut from extra resistors
  • Visible LED: conventionally orange in this project
  • 220R resistor
  • 3 small pushbuttons (tactile switch)
  • Screen: 4-pin SSD1306 128x64 OLED module
    • Note that GND and Vcc are switched on some of these products - check yours carefully!


  • Passive buzzer module with built-in amplifier and 3 pins for Vcc, GND and signal: recommended for breadboarding
  • See the schematic for a possible alternative circuit
    • Note: different speakers may need different circuits

Prong circuit

  • Resistors: 1 each of 470K, 100K, 6K8, 1K
  • 1nF ceramic capacitor
  • Connector to toy e.g. 2 round breadboard jumpers

IR LED circuit

  • (Shared between all IR devices and D-Scanner barcodes)
  • IR LED, 940nm or 950nm
    • OFL-5102 or LTE-4208 works well
  • 220R resistor
  • TSOP4838 IR sensor
    • Vishay brand recommended - other brands may have issues with Data Link
  • (Also need the IR LED circuit)


  • TSMP58000 IR sensor
    • Discontinued - possible replacements are under investigation
  • (Also need the IR LED circuit)


  • 1K2 resistor (1%)
  • 3K3 resistor (1%)
  • 1nF ceramic capacitor
  • Connector to the toy
    • Note: we can't just stick wires into the prongs as with Digimon
    • Buy a premade connector?
    • Craft a connector?
    • Desolder a Talisdam cord, replace with something else, and use the cord with other toys?