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  • BrassBolt - Co-Creator of the WiFiCom Project, initial Proof of Concept for idea, web service (author, host, and maintainer), long-time primary contributor to the WiFiCom project.
  • BladeSabre - Creator of the library WiFiCom was created based on (find the project at dmcomm-python), co-creator of the WiFiCom project, original circuit design for both P-Com and WiFiCom components. Long-time primary contributor to the WiFiCom project.
  • Xanthos - First to implement a premade fully featured WiFiCom device for other users, long term supporter of the project. Heavily involved in testing operations for the WiFiCom project. Much feedback since inception on the hardware level for the WiFiCom device.
  • ManicBen - Vast source of knowledge and experience to the project, original direction for use of the Mosquitto protocol.
  • Nizuma(zojo) - Guru of all things Legendz, original support for the project when implementing and testing Legendz. First seller of WiFiCom breadboard builds to the public, these were made using our first well-supported microcontroller, the Nano Connect.
  • N3evin - Author of DigiWiFiCom app. Information and feedback regarding battery support. Minor contribution to wificom-lib code.
  • Seki - Creator of Digimon w0rld, provided for the very first App integration for the WiFiCom project which brought the project forward in a big way.
  • blazeindarkness - Maintainer of the w0rld project, first tester of a premade WiFiCom unit (BrassBolt made). Continued support for the project and features we wish to have implemented across WiFiCom and the w0rld project.
  • SunSoil || MintMaker - Maintainer of A-Com Wiki, has provided feedback, input, and knowledge-share that aided other WiFiCom projects.
  • SigmaDolphin - Decoded the Legendz signal protocol, this helped to enable Real-Time Battles for Legendz toys.
  • Avi - Drew the WiFiCom logo.
  • If we are missing anyone or anything, please let us know!