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Welcome to the WiFiCom Documentation


Discord Server

What's a WiFiCom?

  • Like a D-Com/A-Com, but controlled via WiFi instead of USB. Currently most WiFiComs are powered over micro USB, but battery power is possible.
  • Supports:
    • All Digimon V-Pets currently supported by the D-Com/A-Com
    • Infrared Digimon: iC, Twin, Data Link, Fusion Loader
    • D-Scanner barcodes via infrared
    • Legendz Talispod and Talisdam.
  • w0rld already supports WiFi, with more apps to come.
  • Serial mode uses USB serial in the same way an A-Com, for use with apps that don't support WiFi yet.
  • Punchbag mode provides standalone operation, with configurable DigiROMs.
  • Realtime online battles for Pendulum X/Accel/iC/Mini and Legendz Talisdam/Talispod, via the WiFiCom website.
  • Open-source server provides an HTTP API for easy app development, including web apps and iOS.
  • If you ever wanted to code your own V-Pet, this is a beginner-friendly hardware platform using CircuitPython (or Arduino could be used with more effort and no infrared support).

First Steps

Obtain a WiFiCom by either building or buying a premade unit from a reputable maker.

Once you have a WiFiCom, you can begin to configure it and connect to your first App.